Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Global Retail Chains and Their Implications †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Global Retail Chains and Their Implications. Answer: Introduction: The iconic is an online fashion and sportswear retailer based in Sydney, Australia. The retailer is six years and among the largest in Australia. It stocks several numbers of brands and items that are home-based brand such as Camilla and Marc together with international brands such as Adidas. Its products are mainly clothes, shoes, and accessories. Additionally, the iconic launches over 200 new products daily. The company offers delivery options to its buyers (Javorcik and Li, 2013, pp. 351). It has a fully responsive and fast web where its customers can access and make their purchase. Seetharaman and Saravanan (2017), argue that lack of trust in the online business can affect the future of retails (Weintraub, 2013, pp. 16). The argument is relevant to this paper because online retailing is a business based on trust and its integration in the e-commerce business. By establishing a high level of trust between clients who make their purchase online through the website and the sellers, the online retail achieves tremendous growth. Retailers also gain confidence from their customers. Product review systems help in the establishment of trust. Customers can view the comments and ratings of the listed items and make a choice. The authors also argue that future businesses will undertake online market platforms (Seetharaman and Saravanan, 2017, pp.3). This argument is related to the assignment because, due to the advancement of technology, many companies have ventured into online retailing. The online market has grown as more and more clients are using the online shopping sites unlike before whereby most people did their shopping in physical stores. A store like The Iconic gives shoppers a chance to experience moments by making it possible to shop at any time of the day and providing day and night deliveries to the purchasers. Akin and Murat, 2017 argue that online stores have replaced physical stores in the retailing industry. The authors attribute this change to the fact that retailing industry has been the biggest regarding the employment of labor (Akin and Murat, 2017, pp.2). This argument is relevant to the assignment because the need of communication in business has led to the widespread use of internet thus driving most businesses to the online industry. Technology improves efficiency and reduces the cost of products listed online making them attractive to buyers. The sites also make comparing of item price easier offering an excellent experience. The Iconic can develop a website that covers a wider base to attract more users. Attracting more users will boost the companys sales. The Iconic can also create a partnership with social networking sites such as Twitter and post its link; this will create a very efficient and simple way of accessing The Iconic website for users while browsing and making their purchase. An advertisement of The Iconic can also be uploaded on different sites for viewers while browsing such as an ad on YouTube to gain more users. Bibliography Akin, M. and Murat, J. 2017.A Research on Measuring E-Service Quality in E-Retailing. International Review of Management and Business Research Vol. 6 No 1. Javorcik, B.S. and Li, Y., 2013. Do the biggest aisles serve a brighter future? Global retail chains and their implications for Romania. Journal of International Economics, 90(2), pp.348-363. Seetharaman, A. and Saravanan, A. J., 2017. A Study of the Moderate Growth of Online Retailing (Ecommerce). The journal of developing areas. vol.51 No4. Weintraub, A., 2013. Is Mass Customization the Future of Retail. Entrepreneur, November.

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